Plastic Surgery Disasters

Plastic Surgery Disasters is the second album released by the Dead Kennedys. It has been reissued with the EP In God We Trust, Inc., which are the last eight tracks on the CD. The cover photo is "Hands" by photographer Michael Wells. The inside cover art features Winston Smith's collages.
Musically, many different elements bubble to the surface on Plastic Surgery Disasters, including surf-rock, oddly psychedelic guitar textures, and traditional film music, including sections and guitar fills that resemble Ennio Morricone spaghetti western scores. These elements are not always immediately apparent under the high-speed thrash of music, but they are an indication of the Kennedys' musical uniqueness. The DKs would further these elements, to some extent, on their next release, 1985's Frankenchrist.
On the 2001 Manifesto release of the album, the beginning of "Government Flu" is a separate track entitled "Advice from Christmas Past". There is also a typing error on the Manifesto CDs so that "Bleed for Me" is entitled "Bleed for". On the original vinyl version, Side A was tracks 1-8 and Side B was tracks 9-14. Some vinyl versions have Side One as tracks 1-9 and Side Two as tracks 10-14

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