korean plastic surgery


Kim Kyung-ah
 ok so ri

Korean girls "Plastic Surgery"?

It's pretty funny because plastic surgery rate is pretty much "normal" according to the statistics. the U.S. and Japan are the top rate and China next, than Korea. But why is it only Korea that keep being controversial issue about plastic surgery?
Really? But it seems to be more common in Korea (approx 70% of women in their 20s have had some form of cosmetic surgery according to a Vogue article some time back).

Furthermore, (the part which I find the most disturbing) is that in Korea, it is regarded as perfectly normal and absolutely acceptable to put so much emphasis on looks over arguably more important characteristics of a person such as personality. As a society the general attitude is 'who cares how you looked before as long as you are beautiful now'- which I think is a very unhealthy narcissistic and vain attitude to be shared at such a widespread scale. I understand that plastic surgery can be good in certain circumstances- i.e. where somebody is suffering massive psychological/confidence problems due to their looks or to fix deformities. In Korea however, many people who looks normal or even above average decide to have plastic surgery to look even better- why do they feel it necessary to achieve perfection if they're already average/above average and don't have any particular problems? I think it's horrible how high school kids think about getting plastic surgery as soon as they graduate- how parents encourage young kids to undergo plastic surgery- and how it's as acceptable as getting a new hair cut! I once had a 9 year old telling me how she had to lose weight and she was actually on the skinny side in my opinion! Outside appearance counts for so so much in Korea and it's disturbing; plastic surgery is merely an extension of this obsession with looking perfect on the outside.

Here (UK) there is still some stigma left against plastic surgery, people still value personality and regard narcissism and vanity disdainfully.

Some have suggested that the reason Korea as a nation have this obsession with plastic surgery is because of the high competition of living there; that they are not the cause but the product of society. When they apply for a job- the employers will go for the prettier one. Friends/family/society all judge people's looks over 'inner beauty' and thus it is impossible to survive unless you fit the standard mould.

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