virtual plastic surgery

plastic surgery statistics

Plastic Surgery provides information on: Liposuction, Breast Augmentation, Rhinoplasty, Face Lifts, Tummy Tucks, Lip Enhancement, Eyelid Surgery, Breast Lift Surgery, Breast Reduction, Statistics and Surgery Costs. Find out Statistics regarding plastic surgery and learn about risks and complications on each procedure page. We also provide a variety of before and after pictures for each procedure listed.
If you have any questions about cosmetic surgery, you can ask a board certified doctor at our Ask a Surgeon page. Search for board certified plastic surgeons on our Find a Surgeon page and check doctor credentials. If you need help with financing, apply for a loan.

cummings plastic surgery

Over time, the skin of the breast can lose some of its natural elasticity, causing the breast to sag. As a result, many women begin to feel embarrassed and self-conscious about their appearance. For these women, breast lift surgery offers an opportunity to restore firmness and shape to their breasts and achieve a more youthful overall appearance.
Most women who see Dr. Cummings because of some sagging of their breast tissues want their breasts "perkier", and they also want more cleavage. In order to decrease the scars and maximize the cleavage, Dr. Cummings performs the lift procedure first, and then waits six months before performing the breast augmentation. The results speak for themselves.
At his practice in Kinston, Dr. Richard E. Cummings has performed hundreds of breast lift procedures for women in Raleigh, Wilmington, and throughout North Carolina, as well as for patients from around the country and the world who demand results of only the highest quality. By removing excess skin and tissue and repositioning the nipple, Dr. Cummings is able to recontour the breast into the desired shape. His artistic eye and years of experience allow him to achieve the most aesthetically pleasing, natural-looking results possible.

korean plastic surgery


Kim Kyung-ah
 ok so ri

Korean girls "Plastic Surgery"?

It's pretty funny because plastic surgery rate is pretty much "normal" according to the statistics. the U.S. and Japan are the top rate and China next, than Korea. But why is it only Korea that keep being controversial issue about plastic surgery?
Really? But it seems to be more common in Korea (approx 70% of women in their 20s have had some form of cosmetic surgery according to a Vogue article some time back).

Furthermore, (the part which I find the most disturbing) is that in Korea, it is regarded as perfectly normal and absolutely acceptable to put so much emphasis on looks over arguably more important characteristics of a person such as personality. As a society the general attitude is 'who cares how you looked before as long as you are beautiful now'- which I think is a very unhealthy narcissistic and vain attitude to be shared at such a widespread scale. I understand that plastic surgery can be good in certain circumstances- i.e. where somebody is suffering massive psychological/confidence problems due to their looks or to fix deformities. In Korea however, many people who looks normal or even above average decide to have plastic surgery to look even better- why do they feel it necessary to achieve perfection if they're already average/above average and don't have any particular problems? I think it's horrible how high school kids think about getting plastic surgery as soon as they graduate- how parents encourage young kids to undergo plastic surgery- and how it's as acceptable as getting a new hair cut! I once had a 9 year old telling me how she had to lose weight and she was actually on the skinny side in my opinion! Outside appearance counts for so so much in Korea and it's disturbing; plastic surgery is merely an extension of this obsession with looking perfect on the outside.

Here (UK) there is still some stigma left against plastic surgery, people still value personality and regard narcissism and vanity disdainfully.

Some have suggested that the reason Korea as a nation have this obsession with plastic surgery is because of the high competition of living there; that they are not the cause but the product of society. When they apply for a job- the employers will go for the prettier one. Friends/family/society all judge people's looks over 'inner beauty' and thus it is impossible to survive unless you fit the standard mould.

awful plastic surgery

10 Worst Plastic Surgery Disasters

 From Jocelyn Wildenstein, a US$4 million monster, to --who else?-- Michael Jackson, meet these ten plastic surgery addicts, terrible examples of really bad plastic surgery gone wrong.

Hang Mioku: injected cooking oil into her own face

One of the most famous cases of plastic surgery gone wrong, Hang Mioku, a 48 year-old woman from South Korea, became so addicted to plastic surgery that she was left unrecognisable after her obsession led her to inject cooking oil into her face. She had her first plastic surgery procedure when she was 28. Following operation after operation, her face was eventually left enlarged and disfigured, and the surgeons she visited refused to carry out any more work on her and one suggested that her obsession could be a sign of a psychological disorder. So Hang resorted to injecting cooking oil into her face. It became so grotesquely large that she was called "standing fan" by children in her neighbourhood - due to her large face and small body.

As Hang's notoriety spread she was featured on Korean TV. Viewers seeing the report took mercy on her and sent in enough donations to enable her to have surgery to reduce the size of her face. During the first procedure surgeons removed 60g of foreign substance from Hang's face and 200g from her neck. After several other sessions her face was left greatly reduced but still scarred and disfigured. 

Jocelyn Wildenstein: a US$4 million monster


Known by the press by the nickname of "The Bride of Wildenstein" --a reference to The Bride of Frankenstein--, Jocelyn Wildenstein has allegedly spent almost US$4,000,000 on cosmetic surgery over the years, ending up as one of the worst and most famous cases of plastic surgery addiction. But who did that happened?

Once upon a time, in the late 70’s there was a beautiful women named Jocelyn Wildenstein. Jocelyn really had it made. She was a fresh-faced mother of two and married to an extremely rich art dealer. That is until she caught her husband in bed with a 21 year old Russian model. Now, any normal person would just leave her husband and take all of his money with her, right? Not Jocelyn Wildenstein! Instead she decided to win back her husbands love and make herself more beautiful by going under the knife. Well, her husband left her anyways, but Jocelyn will always have her plastic surgeon. 



awful plastic surgery com

Mia Lee – Lip implants before disappearing from TV entirely?

Mia Lee was a local Los Angeles tv host until the end of last year, when she was replaced. She has not yet popped up on a new network. Before she vanished, she added some lip implants to her assortment of bodily alterations. See the pics!

Mia Lee Lip Augmentation

I think she opted for lip implants and not lip collagen injections, because the thickness of her lips is very even, whereas with injections, lips sometimes come out a tiny asymmetrical, for instance left side of the lip may look fatter than the right side.
Popularity: 20% [?]

Lindsay Lohan 
With her most recent public appearance at court, Lindsay Lohan looks like she maybe got something done to her face.  It could be the alcohol free days sponsored by her SCRAM, although many people don't believe it a healthy life style influences a lot in how somebody looks, but besides that her lips looks like she got something done, suggesting a lip augmentation.  It wouldn't be the first time Lindsay is rumored to have had some plastic surgery procedure

history of plastic surgery

The history of plastic surgery began more than 4,000 years ago. Although reconstructive surgery was used in India in 800 BC, the history of plastic surgery moved very slowly for thousands of years, especially in European medicine. (Eastern medicine's history of plastic surgery is much more lengthy, with skin grafts and reconstruction described in several books on the history of plastic surgery.)
In the late 19th century the American medical community embraced reconstructive surgery and the history of plastic surgery in the United States began. The first major American surgeon to make his mark in the history of plastic surgery was Dr. John Peter Mettauer, who performed the first cleft palate operation in the North American history of plastic surgery in 1827 with instruments he designed himself.
War played a huge role in the history of plastic surgery. World War I presented physicians with scores of severe facial wounds and burns, changing the history of plastic surgery. Modern weapons caused types and severity of injuries that were unprecedented in the history of plastic surgery. Some of the greatest medical talent devoted themselves fully both to exploring the history of plastic surgery and creating new techniques to treat men maimed by the war. Aesthetic surgery took its place in the history of plastic surgery at around this time, as surgeons fully realized the influence of appearances on individual success.
The history of plastic surgery in America owes much to the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (ASPRS). In the history of plastic surgery, no such organization for American plastic surgeons had existed prior to 1931. Important steps in American history of plastic surgery took place due to the work of this institution, such as recognition of the progress and history of plastic surgery by the American Board of Surgeons. ASPRS members created the first qualifying exam in the history of plastic surgery in the US, and a number of other organizations for promoting the future and history of plastic surgery sprang up in the years that followed.
The modern, and more well-known, history of plastic surgery begins in the 1960s and 70s. Plastic surgeons were contributing to the history of plastic surgery in a number of areas, including a Surgeon General, and a Nobel Prize winner. The past few decades in the history of plastic surgery have brought enormous advances in treatment and awareness among the public. As the history of plastic surgery continues to be written, the ways to improve form and function will continue to expand.

teen plastic surgery

What Is Plastic Surgery?

Just because the name includes the word "plastic" doesn't mean patients who have this surgery end up with a face full of fake stuff. The name isn't taken from the synthetic substance but from the Greek word plastikos, which means to form or mold (and which gives the material plastic its name as well).
Plastic surgery is a special type of surgery that can involve both a person's appearance and ability to function. Plastic surgeons strive to improve patients' appearance and self-image through both reconstructive and cosmetic procedures.
  • Reconstructive procedures correct defects on the face or body. These include physical birth defects like cleft lips and palates and ear deformities, traumatic injuries like those from dog bites or burns, or the aftermath of disease treatments like rebuilding a woman's breast after surgery for breast cancer.
  • Cosmetic (also called aesthetic) procedures alter a part of the body that the person is not satisfied with. Common cosmetic procedures include making the breasts larger (augmentation mammoplasty) or smaller (reduction mammoplasty), reshaping the nose (rhinoplasty), and removing pockets of fat from specific spots on the body (liposuction). Some cosmetic procedures aren't even surgical in the way that most people think of surgery — that is, cutting and stitching. For example, the use of special lasers to remove unwanted hair and sanding skin to improve severe scarring are two such treatments.
  • Why Do Teens Get Plastic Surgery?

    Most teens don't, of course. But some do. Interestingly, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reports a difference in the reasons teens give for having plastic surgery and the reasons adults do: Teens view plastic surgery as a way to fit in and look acceptable to friends and peers. Adults, on the other hand, frequently see plastic surgery as a way to stand out from the crowd.
    The number of teens who choose to get plastic surgery is on the rise. According to the ASPS, over 333,000 people 18 years and younger had plastic surgery in 2005, up from about 306,000 in 2000.
    Some people turn to plastic surgery to correct a physical defect or to alter a part of the body that makes them feel uncomfortable. For example, guys with a condition called gynecomastia (excess breast tissue) that doesn't go away with time or weight loss may opt for reduction surgery. A girl or guy with a birthmark may turn to laser treatment to lessen its appearance.
    Other people decide they want a cosmetic change because they’re not happy about the way they look. Teens who have cosmetic procedures — such as otoplasty (surgery to pin back ears that stick out) or dermabrasion (a procedure that can help smooth or camouflage severe acne scars) — sometimes feel more comfortable with their appearance after the procedure.
    The most common procedures teens choose include nose reshaping, ear surgery, acne and acne scar treatment, and breast reduction.

celebrity cosmetic surgery

Bad plastic surgery happens when someone feels pressure to look good and they have more money than brains. Which pretty much describes the majority of celebrities out there.
Some of the following don’t quite look like human beings anymore, which would be tragic (this is voluntary! they didn’t have to look like this) if it weren’t so stupid. Most of these people were genetically blessed to begin with, which makes you wonder why they would risk their good looks just to hold off from aging a tiny bit longer. And many of the younger celebs on this list have absolutely no excuse at all, as good diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle would have fixed most of any flaws they felt they had.
Here are the fifteen worst celebrity plastic surgery disasters we could dig up, some of which are pretty damn horrifying:

angelina jolie plastic surgery

What do you all think? Angelina – dare we say it – nearly looks disfigured in these photos. Could she have had a neck or facelift?

This is NOT the beautiful Angelina Jolie we know and love. No, this lady is a weird creature with a suspicious-looking neckline. We hate to say it, but did Angie, 34, cave in and have a little nip/tuck?
Our experts say no way, Jose!
Torrance, Calif.-based cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr. Christine Petti, “That’s nto even where any plastic surgeon would put a scar, which would be around the ear.”
Adds Dr. Petti, “Angelina Jolie is a perfect example of the divine proportions of beauty. She is the epitome of beauty.”
Another cosmetic dermatologist we spoke to told us that the photo was much more likely to be the result of Angelina being “extremely thin” rather than because of a bad plastic surgery.
Other surgeons may have postulated that the strange bands around her neck were caused by some procedure, but we spoke to five doctors, all of whom told us that it was unlikely this weird physical circumstance had anything to do with a surgery.
Which is one of many reasons partner Brad Pitt loves her!

Plastic Surgery Disasters

Plastic Surgery Disasters is the second album released by the Dead Kennedys. It has been reissued with the EP In God We Trust, Inc., which are the last eight tracks on the CD. The cover photo is "Hands" by photographer Michael Wells. The inside cover art features Winston Smith's collages.
Musically, many different elements bubble to the surface on Plastic Surgery Disasters, including surf-rock, oddly psychedelic guitar textures, and traditional film music, including sections and guitar fills that resemble Ennio Morricone spaghetti western scores. These elements are not always immediately apparent under the high-speed thrash of music, but they are an indication of the Kennedys' musical uniqueness. The DKs would further these elements, to some extent, on their next release, 1985's Frankenchrist.
On the 2001 Manifesto release of the album, the beginning of "Government Flu" is a separate track entitled "Advice from Christmas Past". There is also a typing error on the Manifesto CDs so that "Bleed for Me" is entitled "Bleed for". On the original vinyl version, Side A was tracks 1-8 and Side B was tracks 9-14. Some vinyl versions have Side One as tracks 1-9 and Side Two as tracks 10-14

Mrs:kathy griffin - plastic surgery

Kathy Griffin is in the news lately as the front runner for replacing departing Rosie O'Donnell from the View. I've always liked Kathy Griffin. Her self-deprecating sense of humor is a breath of fresh air when compared to all the stars who take themselves too seriously. I hear her stand-up show is great as well. What about her plastic surgery?

Kathy Griffin is on record for admitting she's had liposuction back in 1999. She unfortunately had some major complications which were reportedly "near fatal." She then became very anti-plastic surgery...until four years later.

She subsequently underwent 10 different procedures, including rhinoplasty, browlift, Botox injections, LASIK eye surgery, veneers, chemical hair straightening, a facial chemical peel, and liposuction again! According to Oprah, she stated:

"At first they wanted to give me the J-Lo butt bags. You can get your butt now to look like Jennifer Lopez's. Yes, Oprah, yes! They're very hot in Beverly Hills."Although she doesn't "mind a little Botox now and then," Kathy says she's staying away from liposuction. "I have new eyebrows, new eyes, new skin, new teeth... I'm working on the new personality."
I don't know the details of her liposuction complications, but in my experience it is extremely rare to have a major complication from liposuction. As long as too much fat is not removed in one setting, tumescent solution is used liberally for the procedure, and the surgery is performed in an accredited center by a board-certified plastic surgeon I think major complications are rar